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Anyone can Learn to Draw

YOU can learn to draw.

The other day I was on the bus with some friends, doodling to pass the time. I overheard one of my friends go “how is he drawing that” and another friend goes, “it’s gotta be genetic”.

Which, hey, I’m flattered that they think I have some natural talent. But that’s not true at all! I was never an “artsy” person growing up. In fact, I was a bit of a computer geek, and that’s still my main profession today.

But I taught myself how to draw, with many resources and friends to help along the way. Am I a professional? NO! But art is one of those skills that you can learn and improve on forever, and it’s accessible to everyone!

If you’re thinking “I just don’t have the mind for it”, you’re flat out wrong. Like anything you can practice in life, you too can learn to draw.

If you’re thinking, “I don’t want to buy a bunch of stuff and have to get invested in a new thing”, nonsense! You can start with a plain old pencil and plain old paper.

The only thing stopping you from drawing, right now, is YOU – sitting there, not drawing! So, get ready, it’s time to turn yourself into an artist.

I’m hoping you’ll stick around for the next few clips here as I show you just how to go about that. If you’re already drawing, awesome. I hope you’ll stick around too, because I’ve got a lot of things to say to try to keep you motivated.

See you in the next one!

Production Info
MusicTVARI - Tokyo Cafe
VRChat WorldThe Conservatory by TOADSTORM
VRChat AvatarFreakhound by Ghost Cabbit