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Don't have a "Good" Sketchbook

It’s a brand new day and it’s time to draw. Do you reach for the newsprint? The tablet? The sketchbook?

The biggest problem I have with sketchbooks is that sometimes they can be a little too nice. I’m sure you’ve had this thought before: “Wait, I’m not sure what I’m going to draw today is good enough for ~the sketchbook~”. And then you’re fumbling around for other pieces of paper, and then “oops” you liked what you drew and are now mad you didn’t use the sketchbook. Not… that I’ve ever done that, nope…. Nope.

Here’s my art supply advice: draw on the worst paper you can buy. Maybe it’s printer paper, or newsprint. If you do want a sketchbook, buy the absolute cheapest one you can find. Then if you like what you drew, take a picture to keep it! Or re-draw it again somewhere else; chances are you’ll do it even better the second time. Then you don’t have to worry about whether you’re about to draw something bad. Remember to celebrate the bad drawings too, they’re markers of your progress!

Drawing digitally? Keep one big file with your daily sketches so you don’t have to set up a new canvas or file every time. Make a new layer and doodle. Clean it out every month or so.

Removing mental roadblocks like these, no matter how tiny, can help keep you drawing more frequently and confidently because you’ll worry less up front. I’m excited to see what you draw! See you soon.

Production Info
MusicJon Presstone - Paradise Vibes
VRChat World常夏島 Eternal Summer Island by Kemomimi_kko
VRChat AvatarFreakhound by Ghost Cabbit