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Welcome to Kanjon's Clips

Hey there! My name’s Mt Kanjon and I’m here to show you Kanjon’s Clips, a series of short videos designed for people with short attention spans like myself, to learn to draw and to stay motivated drawing. I’ve been learning art for about two years now. I still consider myself a beginner; this is about where my skill level is right now. I’m happy with my progress, but I’m obviously not a master of the arts.

However, I’m here to share a lot of the tips that I’ve learned as a beginner artist, that often get forgotten when artists progress through their career. Tips that are often passed along by word of mouth, on Discord or Twitter, in places that are hard to find. It’s advice that isn’t a secret, but isn’t often catalogued. Now, if you’re eager, go ahead and subscribe and jump on to the next video. But if you’ll stick around, I’d like to tell you why I’m doing this and some promises I’m making through this video series.

I hang out a lot with a bunch of other artists who are all in varying stages of learning how to draw and paint. Over time I’ve collected at least 40 unique topics that I’d like to make videos for. Depending on how this goes, there may even be more! These are all tips that I have seen benefit other artists, and most often I have personally benefited from. Some of these might seem obvious! But sometimes you just need to hear things said out loud in order to really get them. I’m recording these as videos, because hey, it’s fun. And videos help me remember things more than just text. Though I will have a wiki with the text version of all of this as well; you can check the description for that.

And also, you might have noticed… I’m a bit of a furry. So yes! Furries! A lot of furries are interested in art, more than most people, and I thought it would be fun to include that spin here. But you don’t have to be a furry to get something out of this – I promise.

Speaking of promises, these are my promises to you throughout this video series. No AI. It’s not art and I have nothing new to say on this subject that you haven’t already heard. I don’t want to be “that guy” with the bad art advice, so I’m avoiding most technical specifics. Everyone has different opinions on these, and as I said earlier, I’m no professional. But I can give you resources to help you learn and hopefully show you how to figure out what you need to practice. So then, you can confidently follow along with any art instruction that you’re interested in. Next, every video will have full transcripts, as well as attributions and links to resources. What good is it if it’s hard find this information again later? And for my fellow VRChat addicts, don’t worry – this means world links too.

I’m planning on releasing these videos regularly, and would love your feedback as I go. I’ll even take suggestions for specific topics, if there is a certain thing that you really want to see discussed. So if you’re interested, I’d love if you could do the usual like and subscribe. And tell your friends! Ready to get started? Come on, let’s dive in.

Production Info
MusicOnoychenkomusic - Lo-Fi Urban
VRChat WorldAzuma House by Mochie
VRChat AvatarFreakhound by Ghost Cabbit